The FRESH Vlog – Ep 002 – Three Life Changing Steps to Finding Your Rest

Do you feel as if your rest is being robbed on a regular basis? Day in and day out? Not matter what you do, no matter how hard you work, you just cannot find rest? It’s not a fun feeling, but if you don’t get these questions answered, you will remain stuck. So what do you do? Let’s start with Three Life Changing Steps to Finding Your Rest.

I had to consider for myself the following idea: ‘Three Life Changing Steps to Finding Your Rest.’ In so many words, we covered in the blog post this week that rest takes work. It requires that you dig in and find out why you aren’t able to rest in the first place. It requires you to address those issues and move forward. So how do we move forward?

Three Life Changing Steps to Finding Your Rest

  1. Ask yourself the hard questions? What is it about my life that is stealing away my rest? Maybe work? Perhaps challenges within a relationship? Is it something within my finances or spending habits? Be honest with yourself, no one else on the planet is more expert than you when it comes to you!
  2. Once you answer those questions, share them with someone. There’s something special about sharing our challenges, others always seem to remember and more importantly, they bring them up later down the road.
  3. Find tools to help you progress forward and use them! No action, no results.

Blogger Bio

Oliana and I at Bigsby Bridge

Oliana & I @ Bigsby Bridge

Ryan lives in the East Bay with his wife Oliana. He works diligently to bring all the resources and tools necessary to provide a complete package to his clients. His focus is on personal training in fitness, nutrition, time management and other key areas of lifestyle. Outside of the private training/group fitness classes, Ryan & Oliana work on their walk with Christ, personal fitness and lifestyle goals together. They would like to one day have enough space for 2-3 dogs and work w/out having to report to a job. They both love movies, getting outdoors (especially camping), and eating food!

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